9th state House of Assembly passes state colleges of nursing sciences (Amendment) Bill 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Earlier today, the public gallery of the Cross River State House of Assembly and indeed, the entire House was electrified, as the Excellent Legislator Representing the good people of Bakassi State Constituency in the Assembly, Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Ekpo Ekpo Bassey expounded the objectives of the Bill to Amend the State Colleges of Nursing Sciences Law in line with the 9th Assembly’s Legislative Health Agenda.

It is on record that the Hallow Chambers of the Cross River State House of Assembly (CRSHA) had enacted the State College of Nursing Sciences Law and this was duly assented to by the Executive Governor of the State.

But given the exigencies that sprung based on current socio-economic realities in the State and Nation at large, the Member Representing Obudu State Constituency in the Assembly, Hon. Maria Akwaji deemed necessary to sponsor an amendment to the extant law, to create two more Colleges of Nursing Sciences in the State to serve the health needs of the population.

The day’s plenary had members of the Assembly debated on the proposed amendment but outstanding amongst others was the contribution by the man who is known nationally as the Champion of Universal Health Coverage, Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Ekpo Ekpo Bassey, Member Representing Bakassi State Constituency.

Arising tall and firmed after being granted the floor by the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Bassey reminded the Assembly of the Health Agenda they adopted at the inception of the 9th Assembly.

The Vocal Legislator said the House adopted the provision of Accessible, Affordable and Quality Healthcare Services to all resident in the State as her Health Agenda and remain committed to same thus, the Amendment as proposed to the College of Nursing Sciences Law was to affirmed that position.

He said provision of quality healthcare services demands having well baked personnel, providng healthcare services in both public and private health facilities in the State and Country.

He reiterated that the creation of two additional Colleges of Nursing Sciences in the State will help to expand the number of admissions, train more people and narrow the manpower gap that exist in the Health Sector.

Dr. Ekpo Ekpo added that the Colleges will make the State a center where others will be seeking to have admissions to study nursing sciences and it will have a positive multiplier effect in the State.

The seasoned parliamentarian submitted by drawing the attention of the Assembly to the provision of Section 14, Sub-section 2b of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as Amended, which stipulates that the Security and Welfare of the People shall be the Primary Purpose of Government.

Dr. Bassey made it clear that, Healthcare is an integral part of Welfare as such, it must be given the priority it deserves. That the proposed amendment to the College of Nursing Sciences law is to promote the welfare of the people thus, he urged his colleagues to support the Amendment and passed the bill into law.

The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Eteng Williams thanked Dr. Ekpo Ekpo for his enlightening contributions and acknowledged his capabilities in the legislative business.

The House having concluded the second reading, went into Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Speaker as the Chairman of the Committee and considered the proposed amendment, clause after the other.

With a motion moved by the Chief Whip, Rt. Hon. Okon Ephraim, the House adopted the report of the Committee, went ahead to read the Bill the third time and as well, passed the Cross River State Colleges of Nursing Sciences Amendment Bill 2022 to law.