2024 New Year Message from Senator Asuquo Ekpenyong Jnr

Reading Time: 3 minutes

From the Desk of Senator Asuquo Ekpenyong

Representing Cross River South Senatorial District

January 1, 2024

Dear Esteemed Constituents,

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I am filled with hope and gratitude as I reflect on the journey we have travelled together and by the promises of the road ahead.

I extend my warmest salutations to each and every one of you as we successfully cross over to 2024. May this new year bring us renewed strength, prosperity, and unity.

First and foremost, I would like to convey my wholehearted appreciation for the unwavering support you have shown me in the past year. Your trust and confidence in my ability to represent you in the hallowed chambers of the Senate has been a source of inspiration and determination. Your voices, concerns, and aspirations continue to be my guiding light as I carry out the responsibilities you have entrusted to me.

I am keenly aware of the challenges and struggles that many of you face on a daily basis. The past year has indeed been filled with hardship, uncertainty, and tough times for many families and individuals in our district.

I have listened to your stories, witnessed your resilience, and felt your pain. It is a humbling experience to share in your struggles, and it serves as a constant reminder of the work that lies ahead.

In the year ahead, I am more committed than ever to providing stronger and firmer legislative representation for our district. My priority remains focused on addressing the pressing issues that affect the lives of our people, from championing economic empowerment initiatives to advocating for improved healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

I stand resolute in my dedication to being a steadfast advocate for your concerns and an agent for positive change.

I am also excited to share with you a sneak peek into some of the initiatives and policies that we will champion in the Senate as part of our legislative agenda for the coming year.

We are gearing up to introduce comprehensive legislation aimed at promoting job creation, economic development, and sustainable growth in our district.

I am also leading initiatives to guarantee that our young generation is proficient in modern technology and given the opportunities they require to excel in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Furthermore, we are committed to advancing legislative measures that address pressing environmental and climate related challenges that impact our communities. Our focus on sustainable development and conservation is aimed at safeguarding the natural resources and beauty of our region for future generations.

I am also actively engaging with stakeholders to push for policies that promote social justice, equity, and inclusivity for all members of our society.

In the spirit of a new year and new beginnings, I call upon each and every one of you to join hands in unity and togetherness. Let us rise and fall together, embracing a sense of brotherhood and fraternity as we navigate the victories and challenges that the year may bring.

Together, we are stronger and more resilient. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve remarkable progress for our district.

In closing, I want to reaffirm my deep-seated commitment to serving you with diligence, integrity, and sincerity. Your voices matter, your dreams are my aspirations, and your well-being is at the heart of my mission as your Senator.

I am truly honoured and privileged to stand by your side as we journey into this new year, and I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for our district.

Let us step into 2024 with renewed hope, unwavering determination, and a shared vision for a brighter future. Together, let us make this year a testament to our collective strength and resilience.

With warm regards and heartfelt gratitude,


Senator Asuquo Ekpenyong

Cross River South Senatorial District

1st January 2024.