C/River Rerun: When the Will of the People is Stronger than Rigging… IPAC

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1. The leadership of the Inter Party Advisory Council, IPAC, CRS hereby congratulates all the winners of the last Saturday rerun election that took place in Akamkpa/Biase Federal Constituency and Obanliku and Yala II State Constituencies respectively.

2. Recall that IPAC had earlier called for a free, fair, transparent and peaceful elections and equally set up a team to monitor the elections in the four LGAs.

3. We therefore state without equivocation that the outcome of the election is the true reflection of the wishes of the electorates in the affected areas.

4. We extend our congratulations to Dr Emil Inyang of the APC who won the Akamkpa/Biase Federal Constituency Rerun election. We also congratulate Dr Martin Achadu and Hon Ashakia Pius both of the PDP for emerging victorious in the rerun election in Yala II and Obanliku State constituencies.

5. We equally commend the relative neutrality of INEC and the security agencies in the conduct of the rerun election. The peaceful post election atmosphere that permeates the state is a loud testimony to the fact that the election was not compromised.

6. Most importantly, we commend the electorates for conducting themselves in the most orderly and vigilant manner before, during and after the election.

7. We call on all political stakeholders to always make deliberate efforts to allow the will of the people to prevail in the choice of leaders at all levels.

8. Finally, we call on all the winners to be magnanimous in victory while asking the losers to accept the entire result in good faith and forget about further litigations in the spirit of sportsmanship.

Once again, Congratulations!


Comrade Anthony Bissong Attah

Chairman, IPAC, CRS


Pastor Ntami Esege

Secretary, IPAC, CRS.

5th February 2024.