NEGROID HAVEN @ 2: Social Commentator Applauds Online News Portal

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Prince Thomas Abi Jr|5 December 2016

I join the good people of Cross River and indeed Nigeria in congratulating Negriod on the occasion of her second anniversary as a media outfit. 

I feel so happy associating with this young but enterprising media house that has given the people of Cross River State a voice. 

Within just two years of her existence, she has indeed earned the trust of the people of Cross River State. A trust she must continue to uphold and work towards continued quality reporting. 

May I remind the management and staff of Negriod that she is read across the Africa and she must continue to report quality, unbiased, accurate, consistent and credible news. 

For me, it is no surprise that Negriod has taken over the cyberspace of Cross River. This is because of her fearless manner in which she reports her news stories.

Negriod   has remained a voice to the weak, the poor, rich and oppressed in our dear state. And she must not let us down. 

As she marks two of existence, I urge the management and staff to keep the good work. And adhere strictly to the core principles of journalism which is consistency, completeness, accuracy and reliability. 

Once again, Congratulations!

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Social Commentator