C/River NDDC Representative Highlights the Need for Clear Identification of Commission’s Projects

Reading Time: 2 minutes

…Rt. Hon. Orok Otu Duke Urges Project Transparency and Recognition

In a candid address during his official reception at the Cross River state office in Calabar on Tuesday, Rt. Hon. Orok Otu Duke, the Cross River representative at the board of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), raised concerns about the supervision and identification of ongoing projects in the state NEGROIDHAVEN has confirmed.

Addressing the gathering, Rt. Hon. Orok Otu Duke expressed his initial observation regarding project supervision within the management of NDDC. He emphasized the absence of signboards for many NDDC projects, leading to the misappropriation of credit for these projects as individuals claim them as personal endeavors.

Duke pointed out the critical need for transparency in project identification, stating, “We should come up and let people know. Because if you are projecting and trying to justify the mandate we have, if we are trying to key in to the 8 point mandate of the present president, we must be up and about regarding what we are supposed to do.”

The representative highlighted a list of contracts awarded before their reappointment, expressing concern that some individuals are incorrectly claiming these projects as personal initiatives rather than acknowledging them as NDDC projects. He emphasized the importance of staff insistence on proper identification to avoid misrepresentation.

“It’s one of the caveats if you are going to do NDDC projects, you should let them know that the solar powered lights being provided are NDDC projects, the roads construction going on, the erosion control are all NDDC projects,” Duke emphasized, underlining the significance of clear identification.

Duke also addressed the broader impact of project misattribution on the state’s political standing, especially considering the unique role Cross River plays in the South South region. He stressed the need for NDDC projects to be acknowledged, adding value to the state’s efforts and contributing to the consolidation of political standing.

Rt. Hon. Orok Duke (M) in Calabar with the state management of the NDDC office in Cross River

Concluding his address, Rt. Hon. Orok Otu Duke urged immediate action, saying, “I pray, I pray we will be able to work together. And I pray you will be able to sit up and remedy those things, starting from tomorrow. Any NDDC projects ongoing in the state should be properly identified. Let people not lay claims to projects that are NDDC projects and try to boost their political standing.”

The call for transparency and proper project acknowledgment resonates with the commitment to upholding the integrity of NDDC projects and ensuring they contribute significantly to the state’s development.