Edem EKONG: Leaving no Stone Unturned

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As we inch closer to the governorship primaries of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), the Cross River State frontline aspirant, Barr. Edem Efiom Ekong, is leaving no stone unturned as he aims for the Government House.

In a series of activities, Edem rewarded members of the Idundu Ayanganse ward in Akpabuyo Local Government Area in appreciation for their turnout during the recent Cross River State House of Assembly Bye-Elections, where the ward delivered the highest vote at the polls for the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the Local Government Area.

Edem Ekong (L) presenting a package to a ward constituent (R)

Although the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) claimed victory by a small margin, the people of Idundu Ayanganse showed their unwavering support for the APC at the polls and thus earned their financial reward as promised by the governorship hopeful.

In the same vein, Edem paid a solidarity visit to the Honorable Members of the Cross River State House of Assembly where he also formally notified them of his interest to contest for the 2023 gubernatorial race. The esteemed lawmakers appreciated his visit and kind gesture, whilst wishing him of success at the forthcoming primaries.

In related news, Barr. Edem Ekong hosted the APC Chapter Women Leaders from across the 18 LGAs of the State at his Calabar residence, and was revered by the women as being the only aspirant that has acknowledged the women and their importance in the party.

The women reiterated the need for more women to be given opportunities to participate in governance as they chanted the ‘no women, no nation’ mantra to the delight of Barr. Ekong who has always been an advocate for inclusive governance.



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