How Police killed 6 for kidnapping Varsity Student in C’River

Reading Time: 3 minutes

…mastermind joined search team to look for Victim… Source 


…we are only on break, not closed indefinitely… Chancellor


A crack team of highly trained police officers from the Cross River state Police Command have neutralised no fewer than six notorious kidnapers behind the abduction of a student of Arthur Jarvis University in Akpabuyo Local government area of the state.

The crack team which has been on the trail of the suspects, swooped on them in their hideout in Akpabuyo LGA, using state of the arts technology, in collaboration with the Chancellor himself, Sir Arthur Jarvis Archibong.

Vanguard gathered that the Crack team led by a Superintendent of Police overpowered the suspects in a gun duel, neutralising five on the spot while the sixth suspect later died at the weekend as a result gun shot injuries sustainable during the gun duel.

A security source who spoke to on the condition of anonymity, attributed the breakthrough to the cooperation of the Chancellor of the University, and his passion for his student freedom.

“He stayed up from day one till his student was rescued, I have never seen the kind of a man, he went with us to all the creeks, he did not sleep since Tuesday when the incident happened, the only thing he needs is support, an atmosphere that is friendly.

Findings by Vanguard showed that one of the principal suspects in a bid to outwit security forces, joined in the search for the abducted student, while he was also the mastermind of the heinous act.

Another impeccable security source disclosed that a demand for 20 million naira was made to the mother of the girl because they believed that the victims parents received some undisclosed huge some of money.

“They however made a mistake to have chosen the grounds of Arthur Jarvis University, because the Chancellor and Founder’s father, he never rested, he would call, come out, through the mid night he was awake with many of us.

“His passion for the freedom of his student was an amazing level of humanity never seen before, I was motivated to go the extra miles and we got the breakthrough.

When contacted on Monday ,the Police Public Relations Officer, SP Irene Ugbo said confirmed that the six suspects were killed during a shoot out with the crack team that “smoked them out”.

“Remember we warned earlier that any criminal in the state should leave Cross River, we have moved to the next stage, we are going after the criminals very hard this time, no more warning, enough is enough.

“We want to assure law abiding citizens to go about their lawful activities, we urge them to always share information with us, because security is everybody’s business,” she said.

When contacted, the Founder and Chancellor of Arthur Jarvis University, Sir Arthur Jarvis Archibong dispelled the news making the rounds that the institution has been shut indefinitely.

While explaining that the University was only on break and billed to resume another academic session before October, he added that some of the students had already rounded off exams but waiting for submission of projects and other activities.

“We were billed to close by Friday last week, before the incident happened, so the news making the rounds on some media platforms that we are closed indefinitely is absolutely false.

“We want to assure every parent and ward that the safety our their children, our students is key, as we take the wellbeing and welfare of every student seriously and apart from the discrete measures we have taken to forestall further occurrence of such security breach, we guarantee that nothing of such will ever happen again,” Arthur Jarvis assured.