Emergence of Achong Benedict Egem as UNICAL SUG Deputy Secretary-General faulted

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Information reaching our news desk, suggest that the present occupants the offices, of deputy Secretary General, of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) student union Government (SUG) Were not originally eligible to stand in for student union post NEGROIDHAVEN can report.

Deputy Secretary Comr. Achong Benedict Egem’s qualifications for the SUG student polls has been faulted by a petition made by Desmond Chineke.

Chineka has alleged that Deputy Secretary General Achong with the C.G.P.A of 2.32 do not have the academic requirement to contest for the said office.

According to DESMOND OLWATOBI CHINEKE’s petition, ‘It has come to my knowledge that the declared winner for the position of Deputy Secretary General, Comrade Achong Benedict Egem, did not possess the required Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to contest in the election, as stipulated in the UNICAL Student’s Union Government Constitution (as amended 2014).

‘According to Chapter 6, Part 1, Section 50, Subsection 4 (b) of the aforementioned constitution, the minimum CGPA requirement for executive positions, excluding the office of the President and Secretary General but including the office of Deputy Secretary General, is 3.0. However, it has been revealed that Comrade Achong Benedict Egem contested the election with a CGPA of 2.32, which falls below the stipulated requirement, thereby rendering him ineligible to participate in the election.

‘To substantiate my claims, I have attached documented evidence of Comrade Achong Benedict Egem’s academic records, clearly indicating his CGPA of 2.32. This proof demonstrates a violation of the constitutional provisions and raises concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

‘Furthermore, | would like to draw your attention to the gravity of this matter. If investigations reveal that Comrade Achong Benedict Egem knowingly forged his academic result to contest the election, it is important to note that such an act is punishable under Nigeria’s Criminal Code Act (1990), Part 6, Section 467. Section 465 of the same Act defines forgery thus: “A person who makes a false document or writing knowing it to be false, and with intent that it may in any way be used or acted upon as genuine, whether in the State or elsewhere, to the prejudice of any person, or with intent that any person may, in the belief that it is genuine, be induced to do or refrain from doing any act, whether in the State or elsewhere, is said to forge the document or writing… It is immaterial that the thing forged is incomplete or does not purport to be a document, writing, or seal, which would be binding in law for any particular purpose, if it 1s so made, and is of such a kind, as to indicate that it was intended to be used or acted upon.’

Recall, that UNICAL SUG student post, held on the 23 June. The results of the election has cause controversy another student.