Hon. Nsemo Extends Support to Victims of Inferno in Nyok Esu Community

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a heartwarming gesture of empathy and solidarity, the honourable member representing Calabar Municipal in the Cross River State House of Assembly, Hon. Stanley Nsemo, paid a visit to the victims of the recent inferno that ravaged Nyok Esu community in Calabar Municipality. The fire incident, which occurred in the serene village of Ikpai, left many families devastated as their homes and belongings were reduced to ashes.

Arriving at the affected community earlier today, Hon. Stanley Nsemo expressed deep concern for the well-being of the victims and the hardship they were facing in the aftermath of the tragic event. With a strong determination to alleviate their suffering, he made a significant cash donation to help cushion the effects of the disaster.

“I stand here in solidarity with the brave residents of Nyok Esu, who have endured unimaginable loss and suffering due to the recent fire incident. My heart goes out to each and every one of you, and I want you to know that you are not alone in this difficult time,” Hon. Nsemo conveyed, addressing the gathered crowd of affected community members.

During his visit, Hon. Nsemo engaged with the victims and listened to their stories of resilience and courage in the face of adversity. His empathetic approach and active involvement in the relief efforts touched the hearts of those present, instilling a renewed sense of hope and support among the community.

In addition to his personal contribution, the esteemed lawmaker pledged to collaborate with the State Government and relevant agencies to ensure a co-ordinated effort in providing further aid and assistance to the affected families. Hon. Nsemo emphasised the importance of a joint approach to help the community recover and rebuild.

“I promise you that I will work tirelessly to ensure that your voices are heard at the highest level of government. Together, we will seek assistance and support from relevant agencies to help bring succor to all those affected,” he affirmed.

The people of Nyok Esu expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Hon. Stanley Nsemo for his unwavering commitment to the welfare of his constituents and the community at large. They believe that his actions have not only eased their immediate suffering but have also served as an inspiration to others to come forward and extend their support to those in need.