C’River Assembly Speaker Commends Private Initiative in Road Repair

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Speaker of the 10th Cross River State House of Assembly, Hon. Elvert Ayambem, early last week, commended a private individual’s initiative to repair a deteriorating road in the state capital. Ayambem expressed his appreciation for the effort to address the road’s condition during a brief and unplanned conversation with NEGROIDHAVEN.

Ayambem revealed that he had noticed the poor state of the road around Spring Road at Ekorinim, which he uses for commuting to and back from work, and decided to take action. Recognizing that the road had not received the attention it needed from the government, he and his team began repairing it by hand.

However, a friend who owns Faith Plant Global Int’l Services Limited, an indigenous construction company, learned about Ayambem’s initiative and offered to assist. The friend not only provided manpower but also brought in machines to expedite the repair process.

Ayambem expressed his gratitude for the generous gesture, emphasizing the value of such friendships. He praised the private individual’s willingness to step in and help improve the road for the benefit of the community.

His words, ‘I realised that this place was pretty bad and I ply here to work and back to my house… Yes, government is fixing from Calabar South but, before it gets here the road will relatively become impassable. So, I thought it wise to come with my team last week. I started fixing it. You know, a job that is done by hand may not be very perfect.

‘So, a friend of mine who is the owner of Faith Plant passed, stopped and asked me, what are you doing with your team? I said I am trying to fix here, he said okay but, can I come in, can I help you? I said please with all open arms help me out. So, yesterday he sent the younger brother again and we looked at the place together. But, to my greatest surprise, as I left from work now, I realised that he has put in machines here to help me do it.

‘I am so grateful to him and I think it is something worth commending. That’s so much he has shown friendship. There is no better friendship than this…’

Speaking about the government’s efforts to address infrastructure challenges in the state capital, Ayambem acknowledged that expectations were high. He emphasized that Prince Bassey Otu, the governor of Cross River State, had inherited a system in decay but had already made strides in fixing various issues.

Ayambem assured the public that the governor was committed to improving the state’s roads, particularly in Calabar South and the entire metropolis. He predicted a significant reduction in potholes throughout Calabar under Governor Otu’s administration.

He said that, ‘Government has started, the truth about it is, like I rightly said sometimes ago, the expectation… every Cross Riverian believe that Prince Bassey Otu is a magic, that he can fix Cross River in a blink of an eye, it doesn’t work like that, they are not even considering the decay he met in the system, he has been able to fix a couple of things right and as he is beginning now, he is beginning in earnest. You won’t have any dull moment in Cross River state any more. I strongly say this with all amount of emphasis.

‘All of the roads in Calabar South will be fixed. Calabar will return back to zero porthole under his administration, I can tell you that.’

The speaker concluded by highlighting the governor’s dedication to the general interest of Cross River State and his determination to address the state’s infrastructure challenges effectively.