Efik Professionals Bridge Culture and Education at Utomo Obong Celebration

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The twelfth Utomo Obong celebration in Calabar witnessed the cultural convergence of Efik and other ethnic groups, paying homage to the esteemed Obong of Calabar. Among the attendees was Efik Professionals (EP), a group dedicated to fostering Culture, Education and prosperity amongst the Efik people NEGROIDHAVEN can say.

Fulfilling a promise made during a solidarity visit in August 2023, Chief (Arc.) Victor Okon, the Chairman of EP, announced the group’s support for the Obong of Calabar/OCEF Scholarship Programme. Efik Professionals marked the occasion of this year’s Utomo Obong with the award of scholarships to five deserving Efik students from various universities, namely, Nathaniel Etim Effiom, Francis Okpo Bassey, Emmanuel Ekeng Kooffreh, Deborah Ephraim Effiom, and Patricia Edem Umo.

Chief Victor Okon emphasized EP’s commitment to education, stating, “We had said we would support the Obong Consultative Executive Forum, OCEF Annual Scholarship Programme. Based on that, we asked the OCEF to give us five (5) additional students to add to those already selected which we would pay scholarships to.” Okon expressed confidence in the sustainability of this initiative, pledging to expand their support in the coming years.

Addressing any perceived challenges to the throne, Okon dismissed notions of a tussle, that any such tussle had been put to rest by the Supreme court Judgement and subsequent statement by the State Government on the legitimacy of Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V, stating, “There is only one Efik throne, and there will always be one Efik throne, and the person who sits on the throne is Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V.”

The Utomo Obong celebration thus served as a platform for Efik Professionals to interact and bond with themselves as well as bridge cultural heritage with educational empowerment, exemplifying a harmonious blend of tradition and commitment to the advancement of the Efik community.