C/River Governor Grants Automatic Employment to Ex-Corps Member Who Honored Father in Viral Video

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Cross River State Governor, Senator Bassey Otu, has extended a gesture of automatic employment to Miss Arit Abam, a former corps member, in recognition of her heartfelt tribute to her father’s sacrifices for her education. Arit gained widespread attention after posting a viral video on social media, wherein she marched towards her father in their village, offering a military-style salute and presenting him with her NYSC jacket and face-cap as tokens of appreciation.

Governor Umo Enoh of Akwa Ibom State was moved by Arit’s act of gratitude and her father’s sacrifices, leading to a delegation visiting Ugep, Yakurr local government area of Cross River State for verification. Governor Enoh pledged to build a three-bedroom flat for the Abam family in acknowledgment of their sacrifices. Governor Otu commended Governor Enoh’s gesture, highlighting the strong bond between the sister states.

In a meeting hosted by Governor Otu, Arit was urged to serve as an example for youths in Cross River and beyond. Arit, a Mass Communication graduate from Temple Gate Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State, expressed gratitude to Governor Otu for the opportunity, viewing it as encouragement to uphold cultural standards and values while thanking God for the goodwill earned through her simple act of gratitude.

Governor Otu granted Arit the privilege to choose any ministry, department, or agency within the state civil service for her employment. Prof. Owan Enoh, Secretary to the Cross River State Government, and Bishop Margaret Ene-Ita, Commissioner for Social Welfare and Community Development, facilitated Arit’s meeting with the Governor.

“We are deeply touched by Miss Arit’s gesture and her father’s sacrifices,” stated Nsa Gill, Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Cross River State. “Governor Otu’s decision to offer her automatic employment exemplifies our commitment to recognizing and rewarding acts of gratitude and sacrifice in our society”, Nsa observed.