Ogoja/Yala: Friends of Chief Henry Onwe purchase HoR form on APC platform for him

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Friends of Chief Henry Onwe, the leading aspirant for the Ogoja/Yala House of Representatves position have purchased both the Expression of Interest and Nomination forms for the race on the platform of the All Progressives Congress for him NEGROIDHAVEN can report.

They bought the forms on Tuesday in tandem with his ambition to represent the federal constituency at the green chamber.

The APC released it’s timetable for the vacant House of Representatves and House of Assembly positions across the. country on Monday, in response to the release of election timetable by the Independent National Electoral Commission,(INEC).

Friends of Chief Henry Onwe with the Expression of Interest and Nomination forms for the upcoming House of Representatives elections on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC

The Expression of Interest form costs 350,000 naira while the nomination form costs 3.5 million naira making a total of 3.850 million naira for both forms.

Commenting on the purchase of the two forms, Chief Henry Onwe commended the friends for the gesture saying it is a mark of their commitment to the cause of providing effective representation to the peope at the national assembly which they have been yearning for.

“We have spiritually and physically prepared for this battle and no effort would be spared and no sacrifice would be too great to ensure we meet the expectations of our people who have been yearning for effective representation at the green chamber”.

He called on his supporters to remain upbeat about the APC ticket and subsequent election victory.

“Dates for the APC primary and the election proper have been fixed and it is imperative to know that power is given by God and we are not relenting in seeking his face and at the appropriate time, knowing our genuine intentions to to give our federal constituency its due, he will grant us victory”.

Many of those who reacted on.his pragmatic move towards actualizing his mission to provide effective representation to the people appluaded him for his efforts assuring him of their unalloyed loyalty during the party primary and subsequent election.