Picture of the Month: ‘Port Harcourt, well suited in soot’

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This photograph surfaced three days ago on Facebook on the timeline of one netizen, Ugo Egbujo. In fact, our title for this publication is culled from his description of the photograph. 

NEGROIDHAVEN is of the opinion that it is a recent scenery. Even though it does not have reasons to support that.

The reason for it is suspected to be burnings from illegal/unauthorised refining sites in the city. Gas flaring has been attributed as well.

One of the fans who commented below the photograph said the picture is Woji, before YKC Junction. Another said this is the fate of Akpajo area near Petrol Chemical.

Concerning the health of the air in Port Harcourt, this is an account by one Effam Glory: ‘Is so sad..I visited Port-Harcourt in Sept after 6years and when I returned home , i felt sick for one full month plus. My daughter too was ill. I do not plan to visit or return to PH in a hurry because that soot is time bomb waiting to explode…. it is sad’.

The scary scene has been described as being carcinogenic by another. While one Chiypawpaw Pawpaw said ‘Massive lung cancer, COPD and other chronic respiratory illnesses loading. Future is my witness.’

According to the website, iqair.com the current air quality in Port Harcourt is as follows: Air Quality Index is pegged at 235 US AQI, while PM2.5 is the main pollutant at a concentration of 184.8 µg/m³ which suggests that the present quality of air in the capital city of Rivers state is 37 times above WHO annual air quality recommendation. This is unhealthy.

The website adds that to live in Port Harcourt a resident should wear a mask while outdoors, run an air purifier, shut your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air, and avoid outdoor exercises.

Port Harcourt is an oil city.