Trump’s ‘Shithole’ —By Kelvin Obambon

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Kelvin Obambon|14 January 2018 
It is my believe that before US president, Donald Trump used the disparaging shithole on African countries, he particularly had Nigeria in mind. If there was a way he could put a call through to most African leaders, except Nigeria, he would tell them not to mind his ranting, with the explanation that he attempted to use a whole to represent a part, so that the world would not notice his overt disappointment with everything unfolding daily in Nigeria. Depending from which side of the prism Trump's statement on Africa is viewed, his description of African nations, and Nigeria in particular as shithole is in order, especially when one considers the all-round realities that poke the country daily. By using a whole to represent a part, Trump perfectly understands the place of Nigeria in the continent. Nigeria prides herself as the 'giant' of Africa, and to demonstrate this, it is expected of her to bear the torch for others to follow.
The wanton collapse of everything and anything institutional governance has open up the country like a festering sore to be infested by all forms of crippling ills. Practices that are considered to be gross misconduct in saner climes are what we here in Nigeria take as the norm. How can one explain the genocide currently assailing the country from all flank, even when it is not at war? How can it also be reconciled with the fact that there exist well organized state security apparatus —the military, paramilitary and the police, yet the nation is in fearsome grip of chaos?
The bare truth is that even the citizens and leaders know that Nigeria is a shithole, which is why they lack arsenal from where to pick munitions to repel president Trump's salvo.
Nigeria has never had it worst like this since independence. Every system seem to work against progress. It's been long good thing came out of Nigeria. If our own president condemned us in far away land, then we owe Trump an apology for vilifying him.

Kelvin Obambon
Is a Blogger, the Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NegroidHaven