Police tactical unit rescues abducted 28-year old taxi driver in C/River

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The Police Command in Cross River have rescued a 28 year old taxi driver, Mr Joseph David from his abductors along Esuk Mba in Akpabuyo Local Government Area of the State.

The spokesperson of the Command, SP Irene Ugbo, who confirmed the news, said that the victim’s vehicle was also recovered during the operation.

She said the rescue operation was carried out at inside the forest of Esuk Mba by the Anti-Cultism and Kidnapping Squad, a tactical unit of the command, in collaboration with Operation Akpakwu (Army detachment).

She explained that operation was carried out following a distress call about the incident on Saturday.

Irene said that the kidnappers had abandoned their victim when they discovered that a search and rescue team were closing in on them.

The rescued driver who spoke with newsmen, said he was hired to take a passenger to Esuk Mba to carry Palm Oil at a Mill without the knowledge that it was a setup.

According to him, “I was actually set up with the pretence of going to carry Oil Palm at Esuk Mba by the same set of people who abducted me.

“On our way to Esuk Mba to carry the alleged product, the man hired me suddenly asked me to stop at a spot, all of a sudden, two young men came out from a nearby bush with guns and marched me into a speed boat and took me into the creeks.

“They left the person who hired me from Calabar with my vehicle and the car didn’t start, in the process some youth from the area suspected something was wrong, when he was accosted he took off, that was when a call was placed to the tactical unit of Anti-Kidnapping Squad.

“I believe he gave his accomplices a tip off because they were receiving calls and they beat me up badly with cutlass.

“They dropped me off at Anantigha axis before anti Kidnapping and Operation Akpakwu came to my rescue.”

The taxi driver however sad he would be identify the kidnappers when apprehended.

Similarly, a Carpenter identified as Otobong, has regained freedom from his abductors after five days in captivity.

Otobong said he was left off the hook after he parked with the N37,000 found on him by his abductors who had tricked him under the guise of giving him a job.

“They called me with a number I don’t have and asked me to meet them at WAPI junction that they have a job for me at state Housing.

“But before leaving, I called my wife to inform her, unfortunately her phone line didn’t connect, so I had to inform my daughter about my movement instead.

“However, on my way, i received another call from the same person that I should rather stop at Stadium that they will pick me up from there , which they did.

“They were three in the car, a Toyota Camry, since I didn’t suspect any foul play I joined them.

“It was while they were driving me to their destination along the Highway that I lost consciousness. I didn’t know where I was anymore.

“They kept me in a room for five days, blind folded and without food for days. Even the N37,000 I had with me to buy material for another customer was collected.

“When they checked my account balance they knew I was a wrong target, because I didn’t have a Kobo on it. They questioned me if I had money I told them I’m just a poor carpenter,” he explained.