Open Letter To The Abia State Governor: Your Excellency Sir, Did you Deceive Nigerians..?

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By Admin [27 February 2016] 09:57pm.

It is our aim in this letter addressed to your Office to find out the truth. As truth is what distinguishes Negroidhaven from other news outfit.

Pictures it is said do not tell  lies this is why we have carefully posted the above pictures for your perusal.

According to an earlier post made yesterday alleging that you Mr Okezie Ikpeazu did send your Personal Physician, one Dr. Mike Enyinnaya in company with your own SSA ( State Special Adviser) on News Media to come to the aide of a dying cancer patient, identified as Paul Arisa who was lying helplessly on the hospital bed.

Negroidhaven learnt from a reliable source that you gave a directive that the cancer patient be flown abroad for proper treatment and that travel arrangements are already made to that effect.

Your Excellency Sir, Nigerians need clarification as well as  justification  as information reaching us has it that the supposed family members of the patient has refuted the claim arguing that it was not false but in my word a farce!
LIB Blog also corroborated the startling revelation by asserting in the same vein that:

"..The family of cancer patient Paul Arisa have denied reports sent out yesterday that the Abia state governor have pledged to take up his medical treatment and fly him abroad for surgery"

We can only wonder who is saying the truth here your Excellency?

We are perturbed as we wonder why the innocent life of the cancer patient(Paul arisa) would be used for such costly joke!

Permit me to ask your  Excellency, When actually did your Government start giving people false hopes?

We are tempted to conclude that your Government ably represented by your SSA and others did stage manage whatever stories we saw and heard yesterday Friday and that the alleged argument that you donated whatever would help save the young man's life was only cooked up.

We however stand to be  corrected otherwise!

Further more, allegations has it as alleged by the victim's family that you only donated 'Just'  N1million Naira to Paul and nothing more and that only N400,000 out of the promised N1m was paid in cash.

I am personally critical of such misleading information earlier released yesterday arguing that you settled all medical requirements for the treatment of the innocent life of Paul Arisa.

I put it to you without any fear of contradiction that If.. I say If what the family of this cancer patient came out to argue is true, then I am sorry to say that our believe in your Government is beginning to dwindle as all Abians in particular and the General public is critically against such misleading information as purported by your Media aide and other Government stakeholders who all have a hand in this falsehood.

We therefore employ you to if not for any thing.. but to save your "face" do the right thing.

Help save the life of this cancer patient and have your name written in the sands of time as posterity will remember your good work. Please take my candid advice !

Nevertheless to the Numerous Nigerians..while we await His Excellency, Gov Ikpeazu to act promptly and save the life of Paul Arias,

The family is still seeking help from the general public as they  are also doing everything possible to fly paul to India for surgery.

Reactions are welcomed.