Bekwarra Residents in Prolonged Darkness as Power Supply Remains Elusive

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Bekwarra – For the residents of Bekwarra Local Government Area (LGA) in Cross River State, life has been overshadowed by darkness for over three years. The absence of reliable electricity supply has left this community grappling with numerous challenges, from economic setbacks to limited access to basic services NEGROIDHAVEN can say.

Linus Obogo, an indigene of Bekwarra, voiced the frustrations of his community in response to the prolonged blackout, saying, “What wrong did Bekwarra LGA commit against PHEDC? No light anywhere. But poles and wires everywhere. New Yam celebrated in darkness… It’s been over three years and still counting… Ask anyone from here, and you will be shocked to hear them tell you they can’t recall the last time they saw public power supply.”

The absence of electricity has cast a long shadow over the daily lives of Bekwarra residents. Economic activities are significantly hampered, with businesses unable to operate effectively due to the unreliable power supply. This situation has resulted in financial losses and unemployment, compounding the economic challenges faced by the community.

Basic services that rely on electricity, such as healthcare facilities and educational institutions, have been adversely affected. Healthcare delivery is compromised as hospitals and clinics struggle to provide essential services, and students’ access to quality education is limited due to inadequate lighting and the inability to power electronic learning tools.

The blackout has also raised concerns about security in Bekwarra, as the community remains vulnerable to criminal activities under the cover of darkness. Residents live in fear, and the crime rate has reportedly increased as a result of the inadequate street lighting and surveillance.

Efforts to address the power supply issue have yielded little success. Residents have called on the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) to intervene and restore regular electricity supply to the area. They emphasize that access to reliable power is essential for the community’s development and well-being.

The plight of Bekwarra LGA underscores the need for urgent action to address the electricity challenges facing many rural communities in Nigeria. Reliable power supply is a critical enabler of economic growth and improved living standards. Bekwarra residents, like countless others across the country, await a solution to their prolonged darkness, hoping for a brighter and more electrified future.