CRSG Appointees Retreat: a Retreat that has been Long Overdue -By Richard Romanus

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Gov Ayade addressing his about 2,000 appointees yesterday at Obudu Cattle Ranch

Richard Romanus|6 November 2016

Yours truly, was one of those who did not hide his excitement over the decision of the Cross River State Government to organise a retreat for its appointees. I was happy because, retreats of such nature, are usually not common in a country like ours.

But more importantly, I was also happy because, in my mind, the two day retreat was going to a large extent, educate and enlighten better, a good number of the Government appointees who hitherto seem to be in the dark on the policy trust of the government they serve or the vision and mission of their principal.

Recalled that I had written an article I titled "AS WE AWAITS AYADE'S CABINET" shortly after the present administration came on board where in the said piece, I had advised  the governor against appointing people for appointment sake but should rather bring on board, deep thinkers, visionaries, young and energetic new breeds of appointees who will add value to his administration as well as think on the same pedestal with him.

Agreed that, a few have lived up to their responsibilities and have made themselves relevant and integral part of this administration, some, unfortunately, are still loss on what is required from them in their various positions, some too, are still carried away by the euphoria of their appointments while so many others are busy waging unnecessary political wars in their various domains or constituency for the Governor rather than focus on their jobs.‎

The truth is, the administration currently has very few appointees who can boldly defend their principal or most of the Government's programmes and policies be it publicly or privately. Majority don't seem to believe in the Governor's vision for the State which is why, critics of the administration seem to be having a upper hand in criticing some of the Government's noble initiatives like the ' the Super Highway, deep seaport, Garment Factory or the 'AyadeCare' health insurance policy in spite of the many benefits accruable to such initiatives if realise. 

Frankly speaking, some people are still pretending to be in this Government because of the monthly salaries that get to their bank accounts and what they hope to achieve through the different offices they occupy. This was one of the major reasons why, rather than criticise Ray Ugba Murphy for resigning his position as a Special Adviser, I rather opted to commend him. Even though I am yet to believe most of the reasons he gave for his resignation, I am sure there are many of his type who believe that, until they get express access to the Governor as often as they want, their duties and responsibilities as either, Commissioners, Special Advisers, Chairmen and Director Generals of board will continue to suffer yet,they receive salaries.‎

Therefore, a retreat like the one currently ongoing at the Ranch Resort, even if it is for one day, can provide a platform where, each and every appointee is reminded of the enormous role whether directly or indirectly he or she is expected to play, towards helping Government achieve its goals and fulfil it's electoral promises to the people while also giving the Governor, a great opportunity to reveal to his appointees where the state is at the moment and where he expects the state to be in the nearest foreseeable future.

Secondly, I believe such retreats will also touch on team work and will push for closer collaborations between the different Government ministries, Department and Agencies. Participants of the ongoing retreat must realise that, it is as a result of their infighting over who to do what, when and how rather than collaborate to do the same thing for the greater good of the State, that has made criticism on the Governor's so called duplication of appointments even louder even when he meant well by such appointments. It is my expectations that, When once they vacate their retreat venue, they would an put up an internal mechanism  where rather that dissipate energy and flexing muscles, such a mechanism can be adopted towards resolving such dispute anytime  they arise.

Thirdly, in a state where classified government  information that ought to be top secrets are now being made mockery of, on Social Media and other social platforms, there is also an urgent need for the political appointees to be educated on information management. I strongly believe that, certain information can be cut off from every Tom, Dick and Harry if political appointees are educated on the adverse effects of such action on the Government.

Finally I hear, the Governor has since ceased from giving impress to some MDAs of Government. I aligned myself completely with such a move because,it breeds laziness and weakens the morale of an MDA of Government that is suppose to be a revenue generating MDA. The Governor can possibly set conditions that should be met before an MDA collects it's impress. That is, payments of impress can be made to be some kind of a reward system where, only performing and hard-working parastatals of Government can benefit.

Like Goethe rightly opined, "Daring ideas are like chess men move forward, they may be beaten but they may start a winning game." It is time for the Government appointees to begin to think not of what they can get out of Government but rather think of what they can do in their individual capacities and that of their offices towards ensuring that, the name of this administration is written on gold. The vision and ideas of their principal may be daring, but nothing is impossible for those who believe…

Richard Romanus
Is a Public Affairs Commentator from Oderegha, Obubra LGA of CRS.