C’ RIVER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: A Case for the Appointment of Barr. Dornclaikmz Enamhe into Governor Ayade’s Cabinet -By Prince Thomas Abi Jr.

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Thomas Abi Jr|25 October 2015|7:23am

In 1998, on the eve of 1999, Barr. Dorncklaimz Enamhe, was among those who formed our great party, the Peoples' Democratic Party(PDP), in CRS. In other words, DC could, without fear of contradiction, be labelled as one of the forebears of our 4th Republic politics.

Seasoned management scientists wouldn't hesitate to tag persons like Barr. Enamhe "asset" as opposed to "liability" basically because they make and still make invaluable contributions to the sociopolitical wellbeing of their society. To say the least,  Barr. DC, is one man who has worked tirelessly for the progress of C' River State.

For instance, it would interest His Excellency to know that until now, student activism at the apex level of National Association of Cross River State Students World Wide (NACRISS WW) still bears DC's indelible imprint: specifically in the context that it was DC who introduced the notion of "world wide"(WW) into NACRISS WW! He was a unionist par excellence with a tincture of sui generic ingenuity and creativity. He has a globally encompassing mindset. Should he be given a similar opportunity in your cabinet, you and indeed, all Cross Riverians would have course to remember him for good as he would leave indelible imprints on the sands of time of your administration.

Again, Dornclaikmz has worked for the emergence of key party men and women in the State, but was not among those that emerged in the two names per ward. He was evidently short changed in his home Bekwarra local government.

Dornclaikmz Enamhe is a man of enviable leadership qualities, he is a man of wisdom, a man with a lot of exposure and a well travelled man, who has a lot of connection in the country. DC, is one man who mingles with the makers and shakers of this great country, he has direct access to the presidency, he has direct access to the power blocs of this country, he has links with companies, firms and government establishments that can change the economic fortunes of CRS.

It is quite surprising and I feel very bad that a man like DC was short changed from HE's cabinet, I do not know the parameter that was used to pick Commissioners in the State but I must say Barr. DC is one of the best materials that should have been given a commissioner appointment. I feel he is not just a reservoir of knowledge/experience, but is an intelligent man, he is a man that can speak for this State, he is a man that can fight the battles of HE the Governor, anytime, any day, he is dependable, he is trust worthy, he is savvy and a go getter.

A case in point is the fact that apart from the media aides to the governor, it was only Dornclaikmz who openly supported the aptitude test initiative of HE as an instrument for selecting the best hands in Ayade's cabinet. When critics where busy tongue lashing HE, and lilly liver supporters kept mute on the subject, it's on records that DC openly acquiesced in the idea. This is rugged loyalty Your Excellency!

We can not afford to miss Barr. DC in your government, my Governor and mentor, Prof. Ayade Benedict, please kindly consider the appointment of  Barr. DC in your cabinet, he is one man I can vouch for who would stand by you in thick and thin.

Please Sir, consider my case for Barr.  Dornclaikmz Enamhe in your administration as something worthwhile. God bless you richly.

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst & Social Commentator