Int’l dev’t expert, Princewill Odidi, explains why Nigs kill just to be elected|Don’t miss his seminal analysis

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Efio-Ita Nyok|25 July 2017 
International development consultant, political scientist, social entrepreneur and public affairs analyst, Mr Princewill Odidi, has explained why Nigerian politicians murder in order to secure public office NegroidHaven has learnt. 
The political contributor recently suggested that, via his social media account, should we remove all the financial trappings that goes with being a public officer in Nigeria particularly legislators, office of Governor, our challenge as a nation will be curbed. 
According to Mr Odidi, 'Let being a Senator or Reps member be a voluntary National Assignment, no salaries, aides, constituency allowances, oversight functions without allowance, then let us see how many people will aspire to National Assembly.
'Let's have a system where a state Governor cannot constitutionally award contracts. Let the power to award contracts be given to permanent secretaries in civil service. Let a governor be entitled only to his salary without perks of office. Let us see if all the clamor to be state governor will not die a natural death.'
Nigeria's political clime deliberately makes politics too lucrative, and for Odidi that is part of our undoing. And the reason for crime-characterised electioneering. 
'Part of our problem is we have made politics too lucrative, that's why people kill just to be elected'.
If you kill just to be elected? Over whom will you preside and to who would your service be? 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven