Ayade’s presidential ambition receives boost from senatorial district

Reading Time: 2 minutes

CALABAR- CHIEF Henry Onwe, the All Progressives Congress, APC, stalwart and Frontline aspirant for the Ogoja/Federal Constituency position in the 2022 by-election has thrown his weight behind Senator Professor Ben Ayade’s 2023 Presidential Project.

Speaking in Calabar with newsmen on Tuesday, Chief Onwe said he has been on the frontlines calling on Governor Ayade to contest the 2023 Presidency on the platform of APC because the governor has what it takes to turn the fortunes of the country around for good.

“As far back as December 2021, I have been calling on our Digital Governor , Senator Professor Ben Ayade to contest the 2023 Presidential election because he is endued with innovative and excellent ideas which this country need to join the commity of great nations in just four years”

The philanthropist stated that Senator Professor Ben Ayade has rare ideas which given the opportunity and financial backing has the capacity to turn this country to a great nation.

He listed innovative projects like the Bakassi Deep Sea Port, Super Highway, Rice Seedling factory and other industries initiated by the governor as the Hallmark of a leader with purpose and genuine commitment to the development of his state but were stalled by financial incapacitation.

He emphasised that the Super highway and Deep Deep Sea Port have the capacity to transform the economy of not just south South but south east states and Northern Nigeria while the grid lock in Lagos occasioned by congestion of the Lagos Ports would be eradicated.

Chief Onwe said those life- transforming projects would get light of day when Ayade becomes President which is the more reason he has national appeal since his projects are national in nature.

“Nigeria needs someone with such bold initiatives and intelligence to introduce life -changing projects which can impact all parts of the country and with the needed funds, within four years bring to bear programnes and projects which would touch the lives of the ordinary man by creating employment, strengthening small and large scale businesses which at the moment we lack in this nation”.

He assured Ayade of massive support and mobilisation across the country to propel him to the top job in the country by him and his team.

“My team has put a machinery in motion to mobilise and galvanize support across the country for this veritable project and I call on all Nigerians to join forces with us to enthrone a young man who is vibrant and full of capacity to change the narrative of our dear country for the better”.