Read the Lines C’ River Renowned Poet Wrote for the Agatu People Massacred by Fulani Herdsmen

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Admin|29 March 2016|11:35am

(For the Agatu and other People murdered by Fulani Herdsmen across Nigeria)

The clouds this morning
Came with a gloom and carried a tale
That will make our hearts heavy.
Carrying the tales of sorrows from afar;
The tale, written on the sky
Simply targeted an audience,
A lonely audience that was drenched in mourning.

The rain will go away
Today and return another day,
Bringing lightning and thunder
To a people whose life is in a blunder,
As the promise for a future sunny sky,
Will turn out to be another lie.

The day will surrender to sunset,
For us to dance the dirge of final death
And dance on, until our last breath –
In the dead of the night.

Tall and dark shadows
Will try to make us forget the silent truths
And forgotten words and mandates of the past
Will attempt to die in the arms
Of converted warriors and acolytes.

There are also shadows behind me
And I weep for them.
Dressed in black,
With its dark smiles buried beneath the surface,
Death has come back to feast
On decaying corpses littering
The streets and lush valleys of parts
Of the North and South.

The lonely ones speak about their losses
And how we deal with it:
It could be seen from the divine
And human angles.
My innate desire
Is never to retire,
So that every single morning,
Will witness a testimony.

Orok Otu Duke
Duke Town